Ovarian Cancer: Things You Need to Know

by Nancy

Ovarian cancer is one of the top 20 types of cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. Doctors most frequently diagnose the condition in people who are between the ages of 55 and 64. The key to survival is getting the proper testing so that specialists can diagnose it early and implement treatment for it sooner. The following are some of the risks, signs and treatments for it.

Who Is at Risk for Ovarian Cancer?

Any woman can develop ovarian cancer, but some situations and dispositions can make its development a greater risk. Many cases occur because of a family history or genetic mutation. At-risk individuals cannot do much in that case, aside from implementing healthy lifestyle habits. Other people who are at risk for developing cancer in the ovaries are smokers, older women and women who take hormone therapies, including birth control pills. Some fertility treatments may also put a woman at risk.

Doctor VisitSymptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Pain is usually one of the main symptoms of ovarian cancer. An affected person may experience back pain, lower abdominal pain or an enlarged or swollen abdominal area. Other symptoms may include irregular menstrual periods, leg swelling, vaginal bleeding, shortness of breath or fatigue. Additionally, an affected person may notice a change in the habits of her bowels or bladder. An affected person should view all such symptoms as red flags and schedule an appointment to speak with a doctor immediately.

Testing for Ovarian Cancer

A doctor can use a vast assortment of tests to check for cancer of the ovaries. He or she may conduct an initial physical exam to see if anything feels abnormal in the abdominal or pelvic regions. The specialist may also conduct a transvaginal ultrasound that might pinpoint size variances that may be the result of cancer in a patient. Furthermore, the medical specialist could opt to take a series of blood tests that will let him or her know if certain hormones or antibodies exist. All these tests can lead to a diagnosis of ovarian cancer, and then the doctor can create a treatment plan to eliminate the cancer.

Treatment for Ovarian Cancer

A patient and a doctor can discuss various types of treatment for cancer in the ovaries. The treatment will depend on the cancer stage, the patient’s beliefs and desires and the likelihood of recovery. Some foods and dietary changes can help an individual to fight cancer. Chemotherapy is a pathological process that one might consider in treating the condition. In chemotherapy treatment, a specialist injects a drug such as Carboplatin directly into the abdomen. The Carboplatin would fight the cancer by preventing additional cancerous cells from developing. In extreme cases, a person may want to undergo surgery to remove cancerous masses or part of the reproductive system, including the ovaries.

Contact a Medical Professional Today

It’s crucial to contact a medical professional for testing if you think you are at high risk for developing ovarian cancer. Medics can test you for the condition now and then create a treatment plan designed for complete recovery and remission.