Fibromyalgia, Treatment Options, & Symptoms

by Nancy

Fibromyalgia is also known as Fibrositis and the causes of fibromyalgia are defined as extended muscle pain and tenderness. It is extremely common in the United States of America, with more than 3 million cases of this condition reported per year. Though treatment can generally help this condition it is not usually curable for those who have it. Fibromyalgia is considered a chronic condition and usually requires a medical diagnosis.

Though medical imaging and specialized laboratory tests are not generally required for this type of condition it is smart to contact your doctor right away for their medical advice on what to do. Some of the very first signs of the onset of this condition or fibromyalgia syndrome are symptoms such as pain points throughout the body, extreme fatigue, sleeping issues, memory and concentration problems, depression and anxiety, numbness in one’s hands, arms, feet, and legs, and headaches.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Signs

A person can get fibromyalgia if he or she already has a preexisting disease such as arthritis or Parkinson’s disease. Having a preexisting illness or painful disease raises one’s chances of having fibromyalgia, while being emotionally or physically abused as a child is another way one may get this condition. One of the most common fibromyalgia symptoms is chronic fatigue in people who have the condition.

How Does Fibromyalgia Progress

Fibromyalgia is not usually seen as a progressive disorder, however it is seen as a condition with a predictable path. This condition gets worse over time with some cases of fibromyalgia but with many people fibromyalgia goes through cycles of severe painful symptoms and extreme remissions of symptoms. Certain foods that may cause an onset of Fibromyalgia in someone are things such as red meats, gluten, dairy products, certain vegetables, and fruits. Some examples are tomatoes, green peppers, and goji berries, eggs, and caffeine.

In some cases, this condition can go away and there are many treatment options available like talk therapy, support groups, physical exercise, relaxation techniques, hydrotherapy, nerve pain medication, muscle relaxant medications, and professional physical therapists, or rheumatologists. Other painful symptoms people may experience when they get this painful condition are things like gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, constipation, and passing large amounts of gas, muscle soreness, muscle spasms, a sensitivity to pain and cold, nervousness, mood swings, difficulties falling asleep, forgetfulness, tingling of the hands, or hand coldness.

Fibromyalgia Treatments

There are various drugs, lifestyle habits, and alternative remedies one can do for fibromyalgia treatment to decrease pain and improve your overall sleep. A qualified specialist could prescribe someone with antidepressants or general pain medications to treat the pain and symptoms that come with the disease. A doctor may also suggest such things like physical therapy, aerobic exercises, relaxation, and stress reduction to help one self-manage their symptoms.

This condition can cause very similar symptoms to other diseases like arthritis, tendinitis, and bursitis. A multidisciplinary approach to this type of condition is suggested and seems to work best to decrease the condition’s symptoms. Certain antidepressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil) sometimes have been prescribed to treat fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia pain is very intense and painful to the person who has been diagnosed with this condition but at the same time it can be treated successfully to help decrease the symptoms.