7 Tips For Having The Best Home Landscape

by Nancy

As warm weather approaches you may start thinking about what you can do to improve your yard. Landscaping can be a difficult thing to do, but there are seven easy tips you can use to make your front yard and back yard look spectacular. 

Well Kept Lawn

#1) Plan Your Design 

Before jumping right into buying plants, mulch, and decorations you may want to first design your front yard landscape and your back yard landscape. Drawing out your design and figuring out which colors and styles of plants you want to have in your yard will make the shopping trip go much smoother. 

#2) Research the Plants You Want 

The plants we desire to have in our yard does not always work out. Some plants thrive in the hot sun, while others will only thrive if they have shade. It is important to research the types of plants that you want to determine which climate they will thrive in. There is nothing worse than spending money on plants, watering them all summer, and then they still end up dying. You should consider using water wise plants to reduce the amount of watering you have to do. If you do your research upfront you can save yourself both time and money in the long run. 

#3) Study the Sun 

Your front yard landscape will be different than your back yard landscape since each area is most likely exposed to different amounts of sunlight. If you take a week or so to figure out how much sun is in your front and back yards you can figure out which plants would work best in each. If you really want one specific kind of plant and it does not fit in your front yard, you may consider planting it in your back yard. 

#4) Plan For Year-Round Appeal 

Flowers are beautiful and are usually the number one thing we think about when designing our residential landscape. While they are appealing and can make your home have great curb appeal, they will not last year round. It may be nice to have the best yard in the spring and summer months, but it would be even better to have the best yard year round. To have the best landscape year after year plan on using shrubs, water wise plants, and trees that will give you year-round appeal. 

#5) Use Texture 

Shrubs, bushes, and trees are an excellent way to give your yard curb appeal, but to have the best landscape you may want to texture your bushes and trees. By cutting them into designs, planting them in a curved pattern, or trimming them frequently you can make your yard a conversation starter. Using texture to maximize the flow of your yard can make sure you have the best landscape each and every year. 

#6) Create a Water Feature 

A water feature can really make your home stand out and they are not difficult to install. Find an area where you would like to have a focal point and build a water feature there. This will make your yard stand out and give you the best residential landscape in the neighborhood. 

#7) Contact a Landscape Company 

If you need help doing some of the landscaping or would like a professional’s opinion you may want to contact a landscape company. You can get bids to have them work on your yard. If they are charging too much for the work you can simply get their advice for a small fee and do the work on your own to save you money.