Why Now Is the Time to Get A/C Installed

by Nancy

Today, it is abnormal not to have an air conditioning system inside your home. In addition, air conditioners are not even considered a luxury anymore, but a necessity. No matter how well  your home is built, adequate ventilation is crucial. In some parts of the United States it is vital since in some areas of the U.S. temperatures can soar well over 110. Additionally, a home AC system filters the air and can help you remain safe from contagions outside.

Purchasing a new AC system is not a small investment but the current climate has made them more accessible and affordable than ever. This is because there is a surplus on the market so dealers and AC installation services have lowered prices to make even the most sophisticated of handlers easily affordable. Discover additional reasons why now may just be the best time to replace your old handler or purchase your new AC unit.

Newer Units are More Efficient

Air conditioners come with a SEER rating, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It used to be the rule of thumb that the higher the SEER rating, the better the unit. Of course, the higher the price as well. That is no longer so as the newer innovations make even the lower rated SEER units, such as a 14 or a 16, to do a brilliant job of cooling your space. Not only are the newer units more efficient at even the lower SEER levels but they are more reliable. Most older units are only rated at a seven or 10 SEER, which means even at the low end of 14 you are getting more power for your buck.

Now Is the Time

The controversies about the possibilities of the transmission of the COVID-19 virus via air conditioning has had a negative impact on the AC industry. Many AC companies are having cheap installation deals due to the drop in business because of coronavirus. Now, is the time to seize the opportunity to save some money as you schedule maintenance, replace your damaged AC unit or upgrade your older ones to a more efficient one.

Benefits of Installing a New Air Conditioner:

Filters Your Air

While AC units are not air purifiers, then do filter your air. Depending on the type of filter you install you trap a good deal of the allergens present in the home as well as dust and sometimes even mold spores. Changing your filter regularly also increases the longevity of your AC unit, and continues to filter your air quality. The newer AC units are built with this feature in mind and can cut down many household allergens significantly. If you suffer from allergies and have an older model AC unit, the consider upgrading to a newer unit as they have more power and more ability to filter the air successfully.

Saves money

Improved cooling efficiency translates directly into lower utility bills because your air conditioner converts more of its input energy into cooled air without wasting energy. High-efficiency air conditioners are much less expensive to operate than older models. In most cases your new AC unit will pay for itself over just a few years.

Better Quality of Sleep

Sleeping in a hot environment is never comfortable and usually equates to a lousy night’s sleep. Air conditioning systems are certainly the solution to this problem. Not only will you experience a better quality of sleep with a cooler temperature in your house, but you are more likely to wake up refreshed and ready to meet the day. Most sleep experts agree that sleeping with the temperature slightly lowered can contribute to a full 7-8 hours of rest.

Why Buy a New AC Now?

In the current economic crisis small businesses are suffering. As a general rule those who install AC units in your local area own their own businesses. This is especially true during the summer months which tends to be their peak season. When business slumps or is slowed, they must lower their prices just to keep their doors open. This means good deals on a wide range of makes and models of air conditioners. If you have been putting off purchasing or upgrading your AC unit, this downturn in the economy could spell extremely good news for you as a homeowner. Projections suggest that the downturn will remain for many months, giving you a little time to consider the advantages. Wait too long, however, and you may find yourself sitting in the heat and paying out top dollar for your next AC unit.