Find a Painting Job

by Nancy
Making money can be a difficult task in the best of times, but it is made even more difficult in the current pandemic situation that grips the nation. When you are looking for painting jobs there are many different ways you can go about it, however you’ll need to ensure you put in extra effort to reach potential customers.
Getting work through a company or contractor  is your best bet for job stability, but finding a group that is hiring in the current times can be tough.  You may have more luck at getting work on your own, but to do so you’ll need references and a willingness to forgo job security for the time being. Either option has great benefits that can lead you to make a lot of money, even during the current pandemic. Here are some of the top ways that you can find a painting job.
Painter Painting Home

#1) Build A Website

If you want to find painting jobs that you can complete yourself you can build your own website. Building a website helps give you credibility, and gives you a place to display examples of previous jobs you have completed. You can create many professional looking websites for free online. You should always include contact information, pictures of previous work, and why your company is better than your competitors. Building a website is a great way to get painting jobs online. A major upside to building a website is that customers will find you.  Many people are spending more time at home on the internet browsing for goods and services they need.  A well designed website can help you stand out ahead of your competition.

#2) Online Job Sites

Many online sites, like Craigslist, allow you to post your ads about your services. You can post your information and areas that you work in to help get painting jobs online. This service is free and can help you get many leads. You may have to answer a lot of emails but it could be worth it. Jobs and personal sites that provide links to services are not a personal as having your own website, but are typically well known and have large user bases.

#3) Use A Referral System

Another great way to get painting jobs is to use a referral system. By offering past customers a discount or posting a lawn sign in their yard for a discount you can get more business. Many people will hire you for work if they know you are going to offer them a discount. If you do a great job they will be happy to recommend you to friends for a discount. Word of mouth is a great way to get more work. People trust their friends and neighbors and finding great painters is always a difficult thing. Since people do not get their homes painted often it is rare to use a painter more than once. A referral system is one of the best ways to get more work.

#4) Look At Local Companies

Many local companies may have signs around their business asking for help. If you need extra money and a steady income you can ask for a job at a local company. Local companies may hire you if you have experience and flexible hours. Be sure to look professional and use great communication skills when you go to apply for a job.

#5) Temp Agencies

Sending your application to a Temp agency is a great way to get work through companies looking for extra temporary help.  While temp positions are not full time jobs, they can help you make connections and money while you look for full time work.