Types Of Skiing Season Passes

by Nancy

For those who love skiing, passes to different ski resorts can be prohibitively high. This minimizes the number of times the person can ski throughout the year. However, most ski resorts have come together and developed ski season passes to enable regular clients to ski at an affordable rate throughout the year.

Benefits of Ski Season Pass

The financial benefit of such passes is immense. You get to explore different resorts at very affordable rates either for a specified number of days or for unlimited periods based on the pass. If you ski as a family, the season passes can save you a substantial amount that can be put into other activities. Some passes allow you access to specific resorts at subsidized rates for the extra days not covered by the pass which also ensures that you are successful.

Getting a pass means that you have thought through the entire season and where you would want to ski. This forces you to think ahead and plan accordingly especially if you are skiing as a family. This way, you can get your tickets in advance, book accommodation in advance which may also have cost savings in the long run.

Types of Season Pass

There are three main skiing passes including Mountain Collective, Ikon pass, and the Epic pass.

  • The Mountain collective has a wide range of resorts where you pass caters for two days. The extra days enjoy a 50% discount making them very affordable. The adult pass for the Mountain Collective is $409 while children under the age of 12 are at $1 or $99 with or without a corresponding adult pass respectively.
  • The Ikon pass is further subdivided into two: the Full Ikon Pass and the Ikon Base pass. The former has a greater variety of ski resorts, no holiday restrictions and offers a higher number of days per resort.  It costs $899 for an adult pass, $199 for children aged between 5 and 12 years and $29 for those children under 5 years. The latter has fewer resorts, has some date restrictions, and fewer days per resort. It costs $549 for adults, $149 for children between 5 and 12 years and $29 for children under five years.
  • The Epic pass has different types including the Unlimited Epic at $899 for adults and $469 for children between five and twelve years, Epic seven day at $669 for adults and $359 for five to twelve year olds, Epic four day at $439 for adults and $239 for five to twelve year olds and epic local pass at $669 for adults, $549 for teenagers and $359 for children between five and twelve years. These allow access to diverse resorts and reduced rates for any extra days spent at any resort.

In some cases the passes may have extra incentives to promote skiing. These may include extra days at resorts, reduced prices if you purchase within a specified period of time or early bird prices for different passes. Taking advantage of these incentives ensures that you engage in skiing; irrespective of your skill levels and the type of skiing you choose, at very affordable rates throughout the season.