Top 8 Best Places in Mexico

by Nancy

Mexico has long been a favorite of travelers everywhere. From the pristine beaches on the Gulf of Mexico to the ancient mysticism of the Mayan and Aztec pyramids, there are countless reasons to visit Mexico. The country is home to an incredibly rich history that has left behind its trace on countless locations. Cities on the Yucatan bear the marks of the mysterious Mayan culture, while cities closer to the heart of the country hold bear the marks of the Aztec empire. Along the coasts, remnants of the Spanish conquest and colonial era still stand.

While the history of the country, which goes back hundreds of years, is fascinating to take in, it is just one reason to plan your vacation there. Mexico is also home to a rich culture and proud people. Mexican culture is evident everywhere you go in the country. One of the most distinct and recognizable cultures in the world, it has many draws for vacationers. The people of Mexico are incredibly friendly and welcoming and they offer countless activities to take part in for a good time. After a long day of taking the country’s rich culture, you can relax on any of their countless beautiful beaches. While there are countless places to visit on vacation in Mexico, eight cities stand out as fan favorites that are sure to show you a great time.

1. San Miguel De Allende

One of the best places to travel to in Mexico is San Miguel de Allende. San de Allende is a city in central Mexico that is famous largely for its architecture. While the city was long ago a home to local Chichimeca tribes, it’s greatest attractions are the remnants of the Spanish colonial era. During that era, gorgeous baroque buildings were constructed across the city, including the neo-gothic church, La Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel. The church is still the parish church of San Miguel, but is also a gorgeous attraction to visit. Nearby the church is El Jardin Principal, or the Main Garden, a beautiful area visit on vacation home to beautifully raised trees and flowers of the country.

The area is a must-see location when travelling to Mexico, and is a place worthy of stopping by even if San Miguel de Allende was not your original destination. Even when not visiting one of the historic churches of San Miguel de Allende, there is always plenty to do in the city. Because of a lack of strict zoning laws, many of the centuries-old buildings in the historic section of the town have been converted into businesses. You could spend your entire day walking the streets and taking in the local feel and culture when visiting on the these countless businesses in beautiful historic buildings.

2. Oaxaca

Oaxaca is another one of the best cities in Mexico to travel to. Oaxaca is the capital city of the state it is named after, also located in central Mexico. The city, like San Miguel de Allende, is well known for its colonial era buildings. However, unlike San Miguel, many of the buildings in Oaxaca are built of a local green stone that gives many parts of the city a very distinct look. The Plaza de la Constitucion is one of the best places to travel to in Oaxaca, a gorgeous open plaza home to and nearby many landmarks.

3. Zacatecas

Zacatecas, located in northern-central Mexico, is another popular vacation spot. The area around Zacatecas is of incredible historic importance due to a number of battles that took place there around the time of the Mexican Revolution. Alongside the city’s historic relevance, beautiful Baroque-period buildings are very popular amongst tourists and visitors to the city. Many buildings are made of a distinct pink stone that arrived as a result of the town’s status as a capital of silver mining. Zacatecas today has many museums to visit on vacation, further tying the city to its long and complex history as a prominent mining center.

4. San Cristobal de las Casas

San Cristobal de las Casas is a beautiful town in the southern part of the country
San Cristobal, like other popular vacation spots, is home to beautiful Baroque architecture, including the city’s cathedral and the Santo Domingo church. One interesting draw of the city is its historic importance including the Zapatista uprising that partially took place there in 1994 after the signing of NAFTA. However, the city’s history goes much further back, and many people love to visit to experience the culture of the indigenous people. One of the best ways to take in the local culture is by visiting the market, where aggressive vendors, often still dressed in traditional garb, pitch their sales to you.

5. Tlacotalpan

Tlacotalpan is somewhat of a divided city, but in a good way. The eastern half of the city is “Spanish” and the western side is “native”. The city was built as a river port to the ocean. Near the river is the gorgeous marble Plaza Zaragoza. On the plaza you can find the centuries-old Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria church. The city is also home to the Agustín Lara house museum, dedicated to its namesake, the famous composer and songwriter who lived there. Another interesting attraction is the mini-zoo, a converted house where exotic animals of all kinds run wild and an extensive movie memorabilia collection sits on the other.

6. Izamal

Izamal is one of the most mythic locations in Mexico. It was an important city to the ancient Maya, who constructed buildings there that can still be seen today. Among these massive landmarks are the temple to the sun god, Kinich Kak Moo, the temple of Itzamatul, and the pyramid Hun Pik Tok. These massive structures are some of the last surviving buildings of the mysterious Mayan civilization, which disappeared hundreds of years ago. The pyramids are a beautiful connection to this strange history.

7. Guadalajara

Guadalajara is a proudly Mexican city. The town is known far and wide for its fondness of tequila and mariachi music. Several popular festivals, including the Guadalajara International Film Festival, take place there throughout the year. The downtown section of the city is the oldest part, and is littered with beautiful colonial era buildings including many churches and museums. The city is the fourth largest in the country and as a result never runs out of things to do on vacation.

8. Mexico City

Mexico City is both the country’s largest city and capital. The city is home to countless Mexican landmarks including the huge baroque Catedral Metropollitana de Mexico. Mexico City is built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan, the destroyed capital of the Aztec empire. As a result, native buildings and artifacts are common. In the south the city boasts the historic floating gardens of Xochimilco. However, the most famous symbol of the city is the famous Angel of Independence, located on the same avenue as the Mexican Stock Exchange