How to Find a Work From Home Job

by Nancy

Are you considering working from home and need to know how to find a job? Check out your options today!


Working from home is a working style that allows you to work outside a traditional work environment, allowing you to work anywhere you would like. You will still have the same or similar work responsibilities but you will no longer need to commute to work everyday. As long as you are able to remain professional and consistent, you can literally work from anywhere, not just home.

In the pre-pandemic days, the amount of employees working from home was increasing for companies like Zillow, Amazon, Twitter, Adobe, and Capital One. But during the pandemic there was an even greater surge as companies were forced to support at home work in order to survive. In fact, many companies have publicly announced they plan to extend their work from home policies, allowing some employees to work from home on a permanent basis. Overwhelmingly employees report that they prefer working from home and would like to continue doing so for at least half of their workweek. This is great news for people who are jumping in the game, as their chances for finding at home work has never been better.

Work From Home Call

5 Steps to Finding a Work from Home Job

  1. Research the concept- First research the notion of working from home to be sure it is for you. There are pros & cons to both, and these jobs require the same commitment as a traditional work model, therefore ascertain if remote work is for you.
  2. Competitive resume & cover letter- Even remote work requires a strong resume and cover letter that itemizes your skills, qualifications and work experience. Research how to write both and feel free to utilize one of many templates found online. What is important is to have a formally written compilation of all pertinent job experience, as well as a cover letter that introduces you and puts you in the best light. Sell yourself.
  3. Utilize job boards- There are several job boards available for you to conduct your own research and apply for a job, including: Flex Jobs, Virtual Vocations, We Work Remotely, Working Nomads, and REMOTE.CO. These boards offer up to date job information for jobs in your profession.
  4. Employment listing websites- Check platforms that offer searches for job listings, employer reviews and salaries, from anonymous employees in your profession. Some of the largest employment listing websites are Glassdoor, Monster and Indeed.
  5. Be Yourself!- It may sound cliché to be told to be yourself but when interviewing to work remotely, it helps to come across as natural and trustworthy as possible. You will be working in a work environment of your making therefore you need to sell yourself as self-motivated. There will be little opportunity for your employer to micromanage, and they need to feel secure that you are disciplined. They also need to visualize how you will communicate with team members in other cities and countries, so be sure to drop the pretense, and let them get to know you. Do not feel uncomfortable showing your diversity as diversity is also a plus because you will likely work with staff from various backgrounds.

Types of Work from Home Jobs

  • Consumer product companies- These are companies and stocks that consumers purchase from including: food, beverage, clothing, and shoes. Examples of consumer products include: Nestle, Pepsi, Ralph Lauren, and Adidas.
  • Consumer product services- These are companies that offer services for consumers, such as AAA Travel and Supercuts.
  • Telemarketing- A sales representative that works in direct sales and solicits customers at home via telephone.
  • Virtual Assistants- These are jobs offering clerical support, such as administrative and secretarial positions.
  • Computer- The most common computer jobs offered remotely are computer programming, help desk analysts, technicians, computer operators, software developers, web developers, quality assurance operators (QA), IT and computer programming.
  • Customer service- These jobs are often entry level and assist customers who have bought products or services from a company. Customer service jobs include: customer support, help desk, technical support, and call center representatives.
  • Transcriptionists- A transcriptionist is someone that types letters or audio recorded material, verbatim, exactly as it appears. This job requires a self-motivated individual with a keen eye for detail. An example of a transcriptionist working from home is closed captioning writers.
  • Sales- Sales jobs were the pioneer in the work from home arena. These sales positions include: sales associates, account managers/executives, director of sales, regional sales managers, sales support, sales administrators, purchase specialists, business development executives.
  • Teacher/tutoring- Teaching remotely occurs outside a physical classroom where instructors are separated from their students. This separation can be distance learning or non-real time, such as college classes offered via the internet where the teacher/student communicate through email and discussion boards.
  • Data entry- An employee that enters data from documents or files onto a computer system is data entry.
  • Medical billing- These healthcare workers submit invoices and appeal claims with health insurance companies for services, such as testing, treatments, etc.
  • Medical coding- Healthcare workers in medical billing convert patient information, such as a patient’s diagnosis, the procedures that were performed, the medical services they received, etc. into alphanumeric codes. This info is found in the patient’s medical charts, physician’s notes, laboratory results, etc.
  • Translation jobs- Translators translate words from one language to another.