How to Choose Home Lighting You Will Love

by Nancy

In its most basic sense, lighting is an essential element of modern life; we need to be able to see what we’re doing after the sun sets. You likely have at least one light in each room of your home, and while a bare bulb screwed into a socket will got the job done, there are so many more aesthetically pleasing ways to light your home. You may have more options than you realize, and there are so many products available from basic to fancy, from lamps to ceiling light fixtures to choose from. If you’re wondering where to begin, start here.

Be Practical

When choosing lighting for your home, think first about what the lighting is for. If you are shopping for ceiling light fixtures for your kitchen, you will likely do best to choose bright task lighting. You’ll want to see clearly what you are doing when chopping vegetables, preparing meals, and checking expiration dates. If you’re shopping for lighting for your bedroom, you likely will not want the same level of brightness or placement you would put in your kitchen. Try a low wattage, soft white light in a bedside lamp that is easy to read by and soothing.

Lighting Can Make a Mood

Lighting can do so much more than illuminate a room to serve a basic purpose. Think for a moment of a quiet, intimate restaurant and nearly always, the lighting is soft. It sets an ambiance and contributes to the tone of the room and to the moods of the people occupying that space. You can translate that same feeling in your own home with the right lighting! A soft, incandescent bulb in a lamp, or choose a ceiling fixture with frosted glass to make the lighting softer… you will be amazed what lighting can do for your mood!

Consider Shopping Around

As you think about what kind of lighting you may want or need for your home, your next question may be where to shop? One of the best companies for affordable lighting is Ikea. Offering a huge range of products from accent lights for an entry way to cool pendant ceiling lights to hang over your dining room table or kitchen sink, you’re sure to find something you love. If you have more to spend, check into Horchow or Restoration Hardware for everything from table lamps to crystal chandeliers for a swanky, high-end effect. You can also check places like Home Depot, which also carry an impressive selection of ambient and task lighting.

It’s worth putting thought into; changing the lighting in your home can have a huge impact. These are the details that make your home your own. Look around your living space and evaluate your current lighting.

  • How do you feel in your living room?
  • Your bedroom?
  • Can you create a quiet mood for a romantic night if you wanted to, or would you be left sitting under a harsh fluorescent glare?
  • Can you see what you’re doing in the kitchen?

Once you know what you want and need, check into the best companies listed above, and enjoy the difference quality lighting can make for your home.