Everything You Need to Know About Roofing School

by Nancy

The construction industry might suffer some ups and downs along with the national economy but will never be out of business permanently. This is especially true of the roofing business. A roof covers and protects your home, school or business. Every home or business owner needs the roof on his or her building to be fully functional and in top condition all year long. Receiving proper training and education pursuant to a roofing career helps you get a job fast and increase your earning potential.

What is a roofing school? What qualifications are required to attend? Roofing school programs help you make the most of your career going forward. How long do roofing school programs last? Read ahead to learn everything you need to know about roofing school today.

Explaining Roofing School

Several ways to receive a roofing-based education and advanced training are available in 2021. Roofing apprenticeships and trade schools with roofing training/certificate programs are excellent options to help you advance your career and increase your earning potential as a valued roofing employee. No national roofing certification programs exist. Roofing certification programs are based in each U.S. state therefore each state sets its own regulations and qualification parameters.

Attending a roofing skill teaches valuable specific tradecrafts. Training includes both hands-on and critical thinking processes. Roofing schools teach proper safety methods. Training also includes lessons about various types of roofing materials and how to adapt to different roofing sizes, styles, heights and angles. During the COVID-19 pandemic many certificate programs adapted to virtual education environments only. Minimal roofing techniques are teachable through a virtual system, while the majority of others require apprenticeship and on-site experience. When applying for a roofing school program, inquire with your admissions officer or program representative to find out how much training will occur virtually and how much needs to be on-site training.

Roofing School Certification Qualifications

Becoming a professional roofer does not necessarily require you to have completed any minimum amount of prior education. Most training for a roofing contractor position is hands-on and learned on real job sites from more experienced roofers/contractors. Attending a trade school or certificate-based trade program through a community college or other educational institution, however, requires a minimum of a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. Why attend a roofing school if jobs are available without additional education? Attending a trade school for roofing helps you get better jobs faster, and with better pay. Attending a trade school also helps you have expanded career opportunities in various construction fields.

Multi-year apprenticeship programs through trade schools or roofing/construction unions exit in every U.S. state. Apprenticeships last an average of three to five years and require up to 5,500 hours of job-site training to be successfully completed. Certain apprenticeship programs work cooperatively with trade school certification programs, with approximately 144 hours of classroom training included. Apprenticeships are essentially paid training, with increases in base pay awarded as appropriately earned by each student/apprentice.

Prospective roofers looking to have a career beyond that of an employed laborer are capable of applying for Bachelor/Master of Science in Construction Management degrees. Qualification requirements for these types of programs are aligned with those required of most other college/university applicants. Once training and education are completed, roofers are required to obtain a state Contractor’s License. This requires passing a state contractor’s examination. Contractor’s Licenses are required to be renewed as per state guidelines as well. Renewal might include passing new examinations based on updated laws and regulations in each state.

How Much Does Roofing School Cost?

The cost of attending roofing school is different than for many other school programs. Roofing apprentices actually get paid to train. Attending a trade school, however, carries tuition fees and other expenses. The cost of attending a trade school varies per state, the type of degree you are pursuing and many other factors including specific school policies. Tuition for some roofing school programs costs only $400 to $500.

A Bachelor or Master of Science in Construction Management degree costs significantly more, aligned with normal degree program expenses. Contractor’s License examinations cost $200 or more, with prices varying in each state. Most roofers are required to purchase their own tools, which is a significant albeit necessary expense. The Chicago Roofing School charges approximately $2,800 for its roofing program, while The Roofing Academy offers several programs with startup fees ranging from $997 to $2,497 plus monthly tuition and other expenses.

Roofing School Benefits & Careers

It is true a person is capable of earning a career as a professional roofer without the expense of going to roofing school. The benefits of going to roofing school are significant, however. Skilled labor jobs are viable, credible positions and needed throughout the country. Some prospective roofers desire more from their careers and have higher salary expectations for themselves.

For example, a roofing apprentice might earn approximately $16 an hour or less when starting out. Without further training, advanced education and learned management skills the ability to earn a much higher salary might be limited. Earning a degree gives you the opportunity to work, and manage projects, in commercial construction. Understanding cost estimation/analysis and building code terminology allows you to advance up the chain into management and therefore higher salary ranges. Learning decision-making skills, dispute resolution techniques and hazard resistance makes you more valuable on a job site.

Attending a roofing school also displays more credibility to your customers and clients. The more you are known word-of-mouth as trustworthy and reliable the more business you will generate for yourself. Finally, while on-the-job training is essential, it also takes time to complete. There is employee competition in the roofing and construction industry as there is in any vocation. Attending a roofing school gives you a leg up over other workers applying for the same position, while also advancing your career path and increasing income and job stability with more brevity.