Developing Winning New Years Resolutions

by Nancy

Every year, we all come up with different New Years resolutions on the things we want to achieve or change about our lives. However, most people end up abandoning these resolutions a few weeks into the week. In most cases, this is because most people do not think through these resolutions well before jotting them down. Here is how you can develop resolutions that you will successfully implement.

Carry out a detailed analysis of your life in the past year

This is a great first step where you take stock of where you are. What did you achieve during the year? What did you set out to achieve but never did and what would have caused this to happen? This should be done both for your personal life and for your business or your job. This is also a good way to identify what your strengths and weaknesses are in terms of the implementation of your goals. You may ask the help of your family, friends or even accountability partners you may have worked within the past year in order to make sure your analysis is comprehensive and impartial.

The future

How would you like your life to be in the next few months or year? With respect to business, what would you like to achieve in the year? You should identify things that are not only realistic but also be measurable. Remember that you could also identify what you would want your life to look like in a couple of years, say five years, then break this down into steps that should be taken in each of the years.

Coming up with the resolutions

You must remain objective while coming up with these in order to ensure they are both challenging and achievable. You need to ask yourself what you could do to move from your current situation to where you would like to be in the next few months or the year. The resolutions could cover some of the areas you identified that you did not achieve in the previous year or new areas you would want to improve on.

Come up with a plan

Resolutions without a plan are just resolutions. In order to achieve them, you need a concrete implementation plan. This could be broken down into steps that should be taken each month or into quarterly actions. Breaking down the big goal into smaller sections makes it easier to achieve what you would like to. You plan should include all those people who could help you achieve your goals, who your accountability partner will be and how these people could help you. It is good to be as specific as you can to ensure that you think through every detail of the plan.

Once you have your comprehensive plan, it is now time to get to work. Ensure that you document every step and take stock monthly or quarterly in order to have a reference point for your review at the end of the year. Your New Years resolutions are achievable with the correct attitude, plan and partners.