Be Careful When Dating

by Nancy

For the single person, there is a good chance that they are trying to date. But dating can be very daunting and time consuming.  Where to even start and how to meet people is one of the most difficult things for people to do.  Most websites are over run by people who are only looking to hook up, not date, which is part of why dating can be difficult and frustrating.

Dating Sites

While there are a lot of people on the various dating sites that are not looking for that, they can be fairly easy to weed out.  For instance, their profile tends to be blank, or at least only have the minimum amount of information that they need to put on in order to create an account.   If a picture if required, it may be parts of their anatomy or it may be a meme or something else but not a photo of them.   Typically, if they message you, their message is pretty short, and doesn’t touch on anything in your profile.

Free vs Paid

There are a variety of dating websites out there.  Some are free, some are paid, and some are a hybrid of both.   For instance, some will allow you to contact others but you cannot see if the other person has read your message.   Other sites will limit what you can see of the other persons profile or what you are able to do in regards to getting in touch.  A lot of times the free sites allow some access but anything extra will cost you money.  The other issue is, free sites tend to have a lot more people on them that aren’t looking for someone to date.  If you use paid sites, these people tend to be more serious about finding someone to be with.

Meeting Someone

When you get to the point of meeting someone for dating, you want to be careful and safe.  Meet at somewhere that in public just in case there are any problems or issues.  Make sure a friend knows where you are, when you expect to be home, and check in with them so that they know that everything is okay and you aren’t in trouble.  As for what a person should do on a first date that is up to you.  Some people like to go to a movie so that they have something to talk to about after if they go for coffee but others don’t like this option as they would rather go for coffee or dinner to get to know the other person.  If you have a cell phone, make sure it is fully charged before you head out, just in case you have problems.

While dating can be fun, it can also be a lot of work.  Regardless of what your goals are, a casual acquaintance or a life partner, knowing what you want and sticking to your guns is important.  You may end up making a lot of new friends through the process which isn’t always a bad thing.