Vitamins That May Help Reduce The Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

by Nancy

Arthritis is a condition that causes severe joint pain. The most severe arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, which is a joint disease that affects the body’s autoimmune system, causing the immune system to attack the body’s own joints and systems. The extremities most commonly affected are hands, feet, wrists, ankles, elbows, and knees, however in most cases, if one side of the body is affected, the other side will be also.

Rheumatoid arthritis is what is called a systemic disease because it can affect whole-body systems as well, including the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The good news is that there are several vitamins that can be used in order to reduce the symptoms of RA.

Vitamin D

If you are low in vitamin D, then you are more likely to develop arthritis. A vitamin D deficiency can also worsen arthritis symptoms. Furthermore, low vitamin D levels have been linked to other health problems, such as cancer, heart disease and hip fractures. You can treat your arthritis by taking a vitamin D supplement.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is often taken to improve heart health. It can also improve joint health. It can treat arthritis by reducing inflammation around the joints. There was a 2007 study done that involved people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. The study showed that the subjects had a reduction in pain and inflammation after taking fish oil.

Fish oil can be a substitute for ibuprofen. It is also less likely to cause side effects.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

There are many supplements that contain glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances are naturally found in cartilage. Studies have shown that people who take glucosamine and chondroitin can get modest pain relief.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help neutralize free radical damage. Free radicals can worsen osteoporosis symptoms. Not only can vitamin C help treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but it may also treat gout. This is a form of arthritis that is caused by the build up of uric acid.

In addition to taking a supplement, you can also get vitamin C by following a healthy diet. Yellow vegetables, orange vegetables, kiwi fruit and oranges are some of the foods that have vitamin C.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that has anti-inflammatory properties. It can protect the body from free radical damage. Studies have shown that vitamin E can slow the progression of arthritis.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps the blood clot. Studies have shown that people who do not have enough vitamin K are more likely to develop osteoarthritis. You can take a vitamin K supplement. It is best for you to take a vitamin K supplement along with a vitamin D supplement. You can also eat plenty of strawberries, eggs, liver, legumes and green vegetables.


Ginger can do a lot more than just spice up your food. There have been studies done to suggest that ginger can be just as effective as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. One study showed that ginger extract can reduce joint pain by up to 40 percent.


Curcumin is the yellow powder that was first used as an arthritis treatment in India and China. Many studies have shown that curcumin can reduce joint pain and stiffness. Curcumin is considered to be one of the most effective antioxidants.

Rose Hips

Rose hips are high in vitamin C. They can decrease inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory proteins. Studies have shown that rose hips can minimize wrist pain, knee pain, hip pain and joint pain.