Tips For Buying & Selling Real Estate

by Nancy

Anytime you’re moving to a new neighborhood, especially with a family, it can be difficult not getting everyone involved which can turn into chaos and discomfort. Not only do you need to worry about the exhausting process of selling and then moving out of your old home, but you also need to find the next location you and your family are moving into.

Moving is always difficult, especially if you are moving to a location far away from your current home. With all that in mind, there are a few things you can do when to make the whole selling real estate experience easier on you and your family.

First impressions are key. It’s very important for the buyer to get a good first impression of your property. Here are a few tips that will make your property’s curb appeal skyrocket:

  • Clean windows and screens
  • Exterior painted
  • Mow the grass
  • Plumbing in good working order
  • Roof and gutters in good condition
  • Remove personal items, declutter
  • Trim back the shrubs
  • Clean surfaces
  • Open drapes and turn on lights
  • Remove pets

How Buyers are Searching

The majority of  modern home buyers are using the  and their smartphones to search and shop for their next home.  It’s been reported that buyers are making up their mind about a home before they even step foot onto the property.

It’s crucial that when selling a home, the agent is either hiring a professional photographer to take high quality photos. If a smartphone is being used to take photos of your home, there’s a good chance you’ve hired the wrong agent for the job.

When in the market to purchase a new home, buyers want to see and know as much as they can about the property before they take time out of their busy days to come see a property. High quality video is helping buyers tremendously when making decisions.

Your real estate was hired for an important part in the process of selling a home and that is staging. Staging is not going to sell your home but it will help the buyers envision something they might not see otherwise. People don’t know what they want until you put it in front of them and this case is no exception.

Buying Real Estate

Buying real estate is just as exhausting and difficult as selling real estate. Finding the right real estate agent that understands your vision, wants, and budget is important. You can’t leave all the work to your real estate agent. Do research of your own. Determine the location or locations you want to live in, establish a budget, and set a timeline. It’s never a good idea to rush when incurring such a huge expense but being aware and setting goals is encouraging for all parties involved.

When buying real estate, people often only pay attention to the actual price tag and forget to factor in extra fees. Brokers, lenders, real estate agent, financial advisors, etc. Being selective about your real estate purchase and using larger amounts of cash in the transactions, you insulate yourself from flows of the market. Deals don’t always work, so do not be afraid to step away. So don’t be afraid to speak up, express your concerns, and put your foot down when needed.