The Reasons for and Benefits of Learning from a Tutor

by Nancy

Turning to a tutor does not mean that a student is unintelligent or inadequate; rather, it is simply a recognition of the fact that everyone learns differently. Most classrooms are lecture-oriented and while some students thrive on that system, a sizable chunk of students does not. Tutoring will strategically navigate students through an education that suits their personal needs.

Signs a Tutor Could Help

Some reasons one should consider are wandering focus, accumulating homework, dropping grades, fruitless studying, and a lack of confidence. If a student finds it difficult to pay attention to long lectures or endless pages of homework, it may be time to turn to a tutor. One-on-one tutoring provides students with necessary engagement to stimulate their minds, unlike monotonous class periods. Tutors also have techniques as well as educational resources at their disposal to make studying more enjoyable and profitable. They are trained to identify and come alongside students’ individual learning patterns. There is no one-size-fits-all to learning.

Tips for How to Find the Best Tutor

Remember that the purpose of tutoring is to provide the student with an individualized education. So, be sure to ask questions specific to that student’s needs. Some interview questions to consider are: “How do you determine learning strengths and weaknesses?”, “What teaching methods do you use?”, “How do you motivate students?”, and “What students have you successfully tutored in the past?”. The answers to these questions will demonstrate the tutor’s ability (or lack thereof) to work personally with a student.

Approach the interview knowing your goals.
  • Is your intention to gain better skills in one subject arena or a general improvement overall?
  • Does the student need to acquire better study habits or gain some confidence and motivation?
  • Are you looking for some supplemental help with homework assignments or an educational overhaul?

Knowing these goals can help you know what credentials you should look for in a tutor. If the student needs some help with biology, the tutor should at least have a minor in biology from a college. An english tutor, not so much. Additionally, your school counselor should have records of the student’s education that can be used to help find a tutor.

Benefits of Working with a Tutor

Now that you have decided tutoring is the right course of action and found a tutor that will collaborate well with the student, you will begin to notice the many benefits of hiring a tutor. First and foremost, tutoring can significantly boost confidence. If low grades were the cause of bullying or insecurity, that will not be an issue any longer. Tutors work with a student to help them succeed, and that brings along self-assurance and, consequentially, motivation. With customized learning, the tutor provides tips and strategies for how each student best learns, studies, and succeeds. These methods will be of lasting importance to the student and benefit not only their present education but also their future learning in schools and jobs.