The Importance of Hand Sanitizer

by Nancy

Hand washing is the body’s best defense against germs, but may not offer complete protection against viruses and other potential dangers. Using a hand sanitizer after hand washing and when water is unavailable is the best way to protect yourself against harmful germs that can make you sick.

Benefits of Using Sanitizers for Hands

Alcohol-based sanitizers help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria, especially in community areas such as nursing homes, hospitals, and schools. The product is safe and effective for children as well as adults.

Benefits of using a sanitizer for your hands include:

  • Sanitizer helps stop the spread of germs. Studies suggest that 1 in 5 people do not regularly wash their hands. Those who regularly wash their hands do not use soap about 70% of the time.
  • The American Journal of Infection Control (AJC) reported that encouraging the use of sanitizers reduces school absenteeism and work absence alike.
  • Benefits The environment since it reduces the need for paper towels
  • Fewer ailments such as the common cold

When to Use Sanitizers

No matter where you go, germs are there. We pick up germs by touching things. Some of the germs can make us sick, especially if we do not wash our hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizers. Alcohol-based sanitizers kill germs that soap and water does not. Choose a sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol-based for best results.

Use hand sanitizer when:

  • Before and after visiting a doctor’s office, hospital or nursing home
  • Soap and water are not available
  • There is a pandemic/national health threat

How to Correctly Use Hand Sanitizer

It is important that sanitizers are correctly used. Apply sanitizer to the palm of one hand. Read the product label to determine the correct amount of product to use to effectively remove germs from your hands. Most labels call for a dime-size amount for best results. Rub the product over all of the surfaces of your hands until they’re dry.

If your hands are dirty or oily, using a sanitizer is ineffective. Wash your hands with soap and water if your hands are very dirty or greasy. When used correctly, sanitizer can help prevent illnesses such as the flu!

Where to Buy Sanitizer

The current coronavirus outbreak across the world has caused a crisis among people in the U.S. and beyond. As such, you may need to find hand sanitizer online these days. If sanitizer isn’t available where you shop, do not panic. Instead, head online where you’ll find a hefty supply of sanitizers for your picking. It is easy to find hand sanitizer with a few clicks.

If you do not already use sanitizers in your family, it’s a great time to start. Find hand sanitizer and soon you’ll notice fewer sniffles, sneezes, and coughs in your home. It is easy to buy hand sanitizer online so going out of the house to face potentially virus-infected individuals is not a risk you’ll ever take!