Prostate Cancer: Symptoms & Treatments

by Nancy

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that develops within the prostate. This is a small gland found in men that is responsible for producing seminal fluid that transports and nourishes sperm cell.

Help Prevent Prostate Cancer With These 5 Foods

  • Fish: Certain fish, such as salmon, trout, and sardines, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can help prevent inflammation in the body. Inflammation has been linked to prostate cancer, and so eating a diet with fish or omega-3 supplements can help prevent this from happening. They can also be found in seeds, nuts, and olive oil.
  • Berries: Oxidative damage and disease has been proven to happen when the body does not get enough antioxidants. Berries are great sources of this, specifically strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. These fruits are rich in antioxidants and further promote a healthy prostate.
  • Cooked Tomatoes: Tomatoes are another great source for antioxidants. They have Lycopene in the cell walls, and cooking the tomatoes makes it easier for the body to process the antioxidant and send it straight to the prostate. Tomatoes cooked in olive oil would be the perfect match for a healthy prostate.
  • Green Tea: The green tea leaf contains many antioxidant compounds named catechins which are anti-carcinogenic and they also prevent healthy cells from mutating. Research has proven that men who drink five cups of green tea a day are significantly less at risk for prostate cancer.
  • Broccoli: Broccoli contains a compound that is suspected to target and immediately kill any cancer cells it comes in contact with, while simultaneously leaving healthy prostate cells alone. Eating leafy greens has been proven to lower the risk of getting prostate cancer such as cabbage, bok choy, kale, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower.

Prostate Cancer Overview

Prostate cancer is an extremely common form of cancer in men. It is known for having a slow growth rate and will be confined to the prostate gland in its early stages. At this point, it may not lead to serious harm. Some cases of prostate cancer involve slow growth, requiring minimal treatment if at all. Other forms of prostate cancer are more aggressive and can spread more quickly.

As with most forms of cancer, prostate cancer treatment is most successful when the cancer is detected early before it has a chance to spread to internal organs.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

In its early stages, prostate cancer may not display any signs or symptoms. When prostate cancer is in a more advanced stage, it may lead to signs and symptoms like:

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Decreased urine stream force
  • Pelvic area discomfort
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Bone pain

If you are experiencing signs or symptoms that concern you, you should make an appointment with your doctor. The potential risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening represent an ongoing debate. You and your doctor can discuss prostate cancer screening and determine the best path forward for you.

Causes of Prostate Cancer

Currently, it is not completely clear what causes the development of prostate cancer. It is known that the condition starts when prostate cells begin becoming abnormal. DNA mutations in these abnormal cells lead to their growth and a more rapid division than normal. These abnormal cells go on living, when they would otherwise be expected to die. The accumulation of these abnormal cells eventually develops into a tumor that can spread or metastasize to nearby tissues.

Prostate Cancer and Prostate Treatments

In most cases of a prostate cancer diagnosis, the disease is located at an early stage when it is small and has not yet spread. Men in this situation have a number of treatment options to consider.

Since prostate cancer normally grows quite slowly, not everyone with the disease must be treated immediately. There are a number of considerations, including your general health and age, that can factor into a treatment decision. You need to weigh any possible side effects of prostate cancer treatment and their potential impact on your life.

In cases of men who are older or have other serious health conditions, it may help to regard prostate cancer as a chronic condition that will not likely cause death, but may lead to unpleasant symptoms. Active surveillance or watchful waiting is sometimes recommended for prostate cancer patients. Treatment options like surgery and radiation are also available, but can lead to major side effects.

Ultimately, when it comes to prostate cancer and prostate treatments, you and your doctor can consult and make the decision about the right treatment choice for you and your individual situation.