Tips For Hiring a Home Contractor

by Nancy

As you start your home renovation, choosing the right contractor for the job is a crucial step in your planning process. You want to make sure you examine the quality of their work in advance, spell out in writing what work you want done. 


Inquire whether the contractor is properly licensed and insured in case something goes wrong.

  • Research – Gather all the information you can get about your contractor in mind. Check out their company or individual website, visit review sites and ratings. A smart move would be to look for your contractors business profile with the BBB. Confirm their training and certifications.
  • References – Ask the contractor for a list of references. You can then contact the references and ask about the quality of the services performed and overall experience. It is recommended that you ask friends and family about home contractors they know or have worked with in the past. This saves time and implements an extra layer of security.
  • Ask for quotes – Shop around. Never go for the first quote you are given no matter how much a good deal you are getting. While the goal is to get the cheapest quote, cheap quotes can sometimes compromise the quality of work.
  • Verify license – Make sure to ask for proof of licensing from your contractor. To see proof is not always enough, call their carrier to confirm appropriate credits and coverage,
  • Get it in writing – Getting estimates in writing is the only way to go if you want to lock in a rate. Never sign anything without reading the full contract or having someone with legal advice beside you. Ask questions you do not understand and never sign a contract that is not complete or has missing links.
  • Permits – Your contractor must have all the permits needed before starting a project, no exceptions. Not having the correct can cause delay and sometimes suspension of projects.

Aside from all the technical and legal factors, communication between contractors and homeowners is ket. You should have a list of questions and vice versa. A contractor with questions is a contractor trying to understand and work with you. Choosing a contractor that you feel has your best interests at heart is important because at the end of the day, their paycheck depends on you. Choose a contractor you feel comfortable with as you will be spending a lot of time together and in constant communication.  A common mindset is important and compatibility will be key.

Last but not least, budget. Some contractor quotes can be on the pricier side depending on location, scope of project, and experience. Don’t take on more than you can afford as you are already taking on a huge expense with home renovation.