Activities To Engage In At A Ski Resort Other Than Skiing

by Nancy

When people hear about ski resorts, the only thing that comes to mine is skiing. This is a major turn off for people who do not like skiing. However, there is more to ski resorts and many more activities that individuals, families, and groups can engage in to make their stay fun and enjoyable. We explore these activities.

Ski Biking

This is also referred to as snow biking and is a great activity for families and groups traveling together. Your boots will be attached to two short skis that are on either side of your body to help you control speed. The bike has front and rear skis to help in navigation. By shifting your weight, you are able to steer the bike forward and sideways. Snow biking is becoming popular especially for those people who do not like skiing. You may also take classes on this if you are not confident that you can hack it.

Ice climbing

You scale frozen vertical ice just like you would scale a rock or a mountain. This is a fun activity for all members of the family. There are different ice climbing challenges for people at different skill levels. There are safety equipment in place to prevent harm such as a harness tethered to an anchor and special climbing boots. The tether and harness are closely monitored by a qualified spotter to ensure that all is in order. There are also classes to get you acquitted with ice climbing before you can try it on your own.

Snowcat tours

These offer the opportunity to experience the beautiful scenery of the mountains. The tours go higher than the levels attained by ski lifts and ensure that you enjoy the graceful snowy mountains, the trees, and other plants as well as the scenery beyond the mountains. Whether you like skiing or not, this is a great way to enjoy what nature has to offer.


You use an inflatable rubber tube to ride down the mountain. This activity does not require any training and therefore anyone can engage it.  You can start with the easiest course if you have not engaged in tubing before and progress to different courses as you get used to it. Different courses have different slopes, speed, and thrills. The steepest slopes are for those who love activities that push their adrenaline to the limits.


This is another great activity that allows you to enjoy the scenery as well as experience some adrenaline rush without necessarily coming into contact with the snow. There are different zipline tours organized by different resorts to cater for people with different needs. The slope and the length of the zip line differ to give you different experiences.


A family-friendly activity that can be enjoyed in groups as well. Anyone who can walk can engage in this activity. A guide will take you on a nature trail where you can also view different sceneries and if possible see animals.

The range of activities available will differ from one resort to another. Therefore, you should confirm the availability of your selected range of activities beforehand to prevent disappointments. Do not forget to confirm the charges including what the specific charges for gear and safety equipment, if any so that you can prepare well in advance.