What is Major Depression?
A clinical diagnosis of major depression requires that the patient have two weeks or more of lost interest, a lack of pleasure in activities, and a feeling of gloominess. They must also demonstrate at least five of the following symptoms.
- Chronic sleep problems (excessive or insufficient sleep)
- Chronic lethargy and fatigue
- Weight and appetite changes
- Difficulty concentrating, thinking clearly, or making decisions
- Slow or superfluous movements
- Suicidal ideation, attempts, or morbid thoughts
What Causes Depression?
Of course, there are many different types of depression. People can suffer from seasonal depression, postpartum depression, drug-induced depression, and situational depression. Depression can be caused by genetics, hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, substance abuse, prescription medications, poor physical health, and life experiences or situations.
There are many reasons why people become depressed in the United States that cannot be dealt with at the source. The United States is not a friendly country. Many people are living in isolation and do not feel love or friendship.
It is very common for Americans to make more friends in a few weeks on vacation in foreign countries than they would make over a lifetime in the United States. We live in a very serious and gloomy country where it is culturally taboo to celebrate life or to broaden our social circles or experiences. It is no wonder why suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.
What Are the Treatments for Depression?
There has been research done that certain foods help with depression. Here are the top five:
- Oysters: This may not be something you’d expect to hear would fight depression, but eating oysters regularly can impact a person’s mood because they contain high amounts of zinc. Zinc has been proven to help daily brain functioning and specifically helps with mental clarity, attention, and behavior. Almost everyone experiences the benefits from foods rich in zinc. Oysters also contain Vitamin B-12 and omega-3 fatty acids, which further helps encourage brain health.
- Wild Blueberries: Typically all berries are great to introduce to your diet, but blueberries specifically have high levels of Vitamin C and polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and protect the brain cells from harmful elements. This helps to promote proper brain function during stressful times. It’s better to purchase wild blueberries because they seem to have higher concentrations of these antioxidant-like compounds.
- Salmon: Salmon, like oysters, contains omega-3 fatty acids which are pretty essential to proper brain health. Salmon is also a great source of Vitamin D, which is great for treating depression. People with lower levels of Vitamin D have been proven to be more at risk for depression.
- Leafy Greens: These are ranked as one of the top foods when it comes to fighting depression because of their high nutrient contents. Up to 12 different nutrients can be found in leafy greens. Examples of leafy greens you could introduce into your diet if you are at risk for depression are any of the following: kale, spinach, watercress, and collards. These greens are high in Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folate. Many people feel that getting adequate amounts of folate helps with overall brain health.
- Beans: It’s important to eat a high-fiber diet in order to have a healthy digestive tract. It also may make you less likely to develop depression. The fiber in beans produces short-chain fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory effect and therefore trigger proper brain health.
Depending on the cause of the depression, the depression treatments can be prescription medications, such as antidepressants, shock therapy, dietary changes, counseling, psychotherapy, sex, or even a vacation.
Depression is both a perspective and a psychosomatic event. People who dwell on the negative and who surround themselves with boring and miserable people are bound to feel depressed. Experiencing joy in life is something that people work hard to achieve but never earn by works alone.
Experiencing pure joy in life is the sheer luck of finding someone who loves you for who you are and wants nothing from you. It is also about loving that person and wanting to spend every moment together. Few people experience this type of true love and feel an emptiness and eternal sadness that can only be placated with food, entertainment, drugs, and other inferior substitutes.
Therefore, taking prescriptions medications or undergoing shock therapy are psychosomatic placebos more than they are depression treatments. If people don’t value life and don’t feel valued in life by others, this creates a depressive atmosphere. And no one will feel happy in such an environment.
Depression help is always available for people who are suicidal. However, depression help may never solve the root problem. And as people become older, it becomes harder and harder for them to build close relationships that make their lives satisfactory.
Although volunteering and doing charitable things yourself can help fill a void of nihilism that fuels depression, this often involves traveling to areas where people are in dire need to see the results for yourself.